4 Great Tips for Dealing With Relapse Triggers During Recovery

relapse triggers, recovery, substance abuse treatment

  1. Make sure that you have identified the specific triggers which threaten your recovery and could cause you to relapse. Each person will have certain situations and places which could trigger them to relapse, and you must understand what these are so that you can avoid them once you finish your substance abuse treatment program and go back out into the daily grind.
  2. Take care of yourself in order to help your recovery and minimize the relapse triggers that you experience. Get plenty of sleep each night and make sure that you eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Being tired, hungry, angry, or tired are common reasons for relapses, and preventing these states can keep you on the right road instead of backsliding.
  3. Be prepared for relapse triggers once you leave an inpatient program, these will happen. It is not a matter of if you will experience relapse triggers during your recovery but rather when and how often. If you have a plan in place to deal with these issues when they happen then you are more likely to avoid going back to your old ways and unhealthy habit.
  4. Avoid putting your newly found resolve and sobriety at risk by deliberately testing yourself. After you have been in recovery for a while you may feel the urge to test yourself by intentionally exposing yourself to relapse triggers, and this is a very bad idea. This is one of the most common reasons why further rounds of substance abuse treatment are needed.

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