substance abuse treatment, gender specific programs
A recent research study has shown that gender specific programs for substance abuse treatment may be more effective, especially for women. These patients have a higher rate of employment one year after leaving treatment than those who use more traditional treatment programs. The research study was funded by the NIDA. The study used data from over 5,000 women who had received substance abuse treatment, some in gender specific programs and some in more traditional rehabs. Employment is important, and it can be a very effective barrier against a relapse. Many women who enter rehab using a traditional program have additional employment barriers, and this puts them at a much higher risk of relapsing. The study shows promise for future treatment methods and could result in programs which segregate the sexes for more effective treatment results.
Gender specific programs for substance abuse treatment may be more effective than traditional programs for a number of reasons. Without the distraction of the opposite sex the women may be more focused on treatment and recovery, leading to a better outcome. The methods and techniques used can be tailored to females or males so that they have a bigger impact and get better results. More research is needed to determine whether all rehabs should be developed for one sex or the other but the study shows that advancements against substance abuse can be made with the right programs and treatment tools. If you or someone you care about has a problem with drugs or alcohol then gender specific programs may be a good choice.
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