New Mental Health Research Shows Promise for Schizophrenia Management and Treatment

schizophrenia management and treatmentNew mental health research holds new hope and great promise for schizophrenia management and treatment, and this is good news for those who suffer from this condition. The latest research and newest evidence on treating and managing this mental disorder will be the topic of a special edition of the publication Harvard Review of Psychiatry. An introduction for the edition was provided by Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School guest editor Dr. Joshua L. Roffman, and the edition covers 8 different papers which highlight the key areas where progress has been made when it comes to treating and managing schizophrenia. According to the introduction by Dr. Roffman “This special issue of the brings together global experts in the epidemiology, neurobiology, and treatment of schizophrenia to reevaluate the natural history of the illness, and to elaborate priorities for new interventions.”

The special edition of the publication that covers the latest developments and mental health research on schizophrenia hopes to advance new treatment options and modalities for patients in any stage of this mental disorder. This disorder can be difficult to manage in some patients, and only around 1 in 3 patients with this disorder will respond to medications designed to treat schizophrenia. The goal is to help develop newer and more effective treatment approaches and methods for those who suffer from schizophrenia, and to improve the outcome for more patients who suffer with this disorder. The special edition also includes updated evidence which could suggest that the auditory and verbal hallucinations suffered by schizophrenics could be the result of dysfunctional voice processing.

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