New Mobile App From SAMHSA Encourages Communication Between Teens and Parents

There is a new mobile application offered by SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which offers a way for parents and teens to communicate about underage drinking. Teen alcohol abuse is a common problem in Canada and the United States, and the ability for parents to communicate about underage drinking with their children. The app involves a simulation that is similar to video games so it is designed to engage teens on their level. According to the SAMHSA statistics teens are more likely to take their first drink in the months of June and July. This may be because more teens are out of school and they have plenty of free time on their hands. This is just one component of a campaign designed to reduce teen alcohol abuse by SAMHSA.

The Director of SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Frances M. Harding, said “The summer season is a time of year when families spend a lot of time together. Now is the perfect time for parents and caregivers to connect with their children and talk about the dangers of drinking alcohol. Short, frequent discussions can make all the difference. This mobile app provides a safe place to practice these conversations and build confidence.” Statistics show that when parents communicate about underage drinking the rate of teen alcohol abuse tends to go down. Because summer months are a time when parents and teens both tend to be very active and on the go the latest app can be very beneficial for entire families.


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