Study Shows at Least 1 in 4 Teens is Bullied But Few Bullied Teens Receive Appropriate Mental Health Treatment


teen bullying mental healthMental health services for bullied teens are vital in order to help these adolescents cope with the impact of bullying and prevent future mental health problems. A new study which was recently presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference shows that while many teens will be bullied few of these teens will get the help that they need. The researchers believe that better communication is needed between the parents, the educators and school officials, and the medical providers who are involved. Necessary care for bullied teens is impeded by a number of barriers that need to be eliminated according to the study presentation. When an adolescent is bullied this can significantly increase the risk of many mental health problems. These problems include depression, self harming behaviors, excessive risk taking, ADHD, and severe anxiety. Less than 25% of teens who have been bullied get the help that they need according to current statistics.

The latest research study on bullied teens and mental health treatment included 440 students from Cumberland County, North Carolina. All of the students were in either middle school or high school, and on average 29% of the group reported that they had been the victim of bullying at least once in the past. Some of the obstacles to needed mental health treatment after bullying included inadequate or no screening and counseling from the medical care providers involved, a lack of action by school educators when bullying occurs, and even little or no follow up with parents after an incident of bullying.

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