A new research study has shown that the brain wave patterns of those with autism spectrum disorder are different from people who do not have this disorder. The studies determined that people who had this disorder displayed fewer alpha and beta brain waves in certain brain regions, and these individuals also tended to have irregular brain wave patterns in the frontal lobe region of their brain. Alpha brain waves have a slower frequency and they are normally predominant when the individual is in a waking but restful state of mind. Beta waves have a higher frequency than alpha waves, and beta waves tend to be dominant when the individual is intensely focused and in an alert and attentive state. University of Malaysia Sarawak researchers compared the brain wave patterns of those with autism to the brain wave patterns of those without this disorder, and the differences were fairly easy to spot.
The new research on autism and brain wave patterns shows that people who have autism spectrum disorder tend to have fewer beta brain waves throughout their entire brain area, and this indicates an under connectivity between brain areas and neurons. Fewer beta waves have been linked to brain injuries, problems with attention and focus, and learning disabilities. The brain maps created by the researchers also showed that both slow and fast wave patterns in the frontal lobe region of the brain, and some believe that this could suggest the presence of faulty connections that travel between the front and the back brain regions.
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