What to Do if a Loved One Needs Substance Abuse Treatment or Rehab

loved one substance abuse treatment

If a loved one needs substance abuse treatment or rehab what can you do to help? Wanting the individual to stop drinking or using drugs will not work because you can not force someone to do something that they are not ready to do. There are some steps that you can take to increase the odds of the individual receiving help though. What you do and say can have a big impact on your loved one, and it can help make the difference between them seeking help or continuing to use. One of the most important things that you can do is take proper care of yourself, because if you are exhausted or worn down from dealing with the problem you are putting your own health at risk and you won’t be able to provide support when this is needed.

If a loved one needs substance abuse treatment or some type of rehab it is also important that you set personal boundaries and limits. Many people who abuse alcohol or drugs will try to test these limits and cross boundaries, and it is up to you to stand firm. Always keep the lines of communication open and avoid any terms or words that have a stigma attached or that are judgmental. Usually treatment is needed by family members and friends of the person struggling with addiction as well. Addiction does not just affect the user, it affects and can devastate everyone who cares about the user too. Professional help and guidance can help you keep your sanity while you try to get someone that you love substance abuse treatment.

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