Ignoring Substance Abuse Won’t Make It Go Away
Substance abuse is a common problem around the world, and some people believe that if they just ignore this issue that it will go away but that is not true. If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol or drugs then addiction …
Read More →New Drug Receives FDA Approval for Treating Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
The FDA recently approved a new drug for treating schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The drug is called Vraylar under the brand name and Cariprazine is the generic name for the newly approved medication. Research on the latest FDA approved drug treatment for these mental health …
Read More →Early Childhood Disruptive Behavior Linked to Teen Substance Abuse
Researchers in Canada have performed a new study that they believe shows that efforts at early intervention when behavioral problems start can help lower the risk of teen substance abuse or even prevent this type of activity in adolescence. The study involved a comprehensive program …
Read More →4 More Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Fight Depression
1. Crack a smile- This may seem difficult to do when you are in the throes of depression but it can be very effective a lifting your mood. You do not have to force a clown grin, just smile naturally and see how it makes …
Read More →3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Fight Depression
1. Adjust your posture- This may not seem like a way to treat depression but it can be a very effective home remedy that lightens your mood. When you become tense or you start to feel negative emotions your body will start to become smaller …
Read More →How to Recognize A Sociopath: 5 Signs to Watch For
1. One of the traits of a sociopath is that they can lie very easily, and do so without any of the guilt or telltale signs that most people would display, when lying is a way to get off the hook or avoid being caught …
Read More →Do You Know a Sociopath? Most People Do and Don’t Realize It!
One mental health disorder that it is important to recognize is a sociopath, because individuals with this disorder have the potential to do great harm to those who are unsuspecting. Almost everyone knows someone who is a sociopath, whether it is a close relationship like …
Read More →4 MORE Things You Can Do If Your Depression Doesn’t Improve
1. Consult With a Teaching Hospital- Many different types of medical and mental health professionals are allowed to treat depression, but not all of these professionals are highly qualified to do this. Teaching hospitals are continuously researching new treatment options and alternatives but they are …
Read More →4 Things You Can Do If Your Depression Doesn’t Improve or Is Severe
1. Make Dietary Changes- There is a proven link between diet and good health, both physical and mental health. Diets that are high in processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and other undesired foods can have an impact on your mental health and state of mind. Eliminating …
Read More →Do Single People Have Less Happiness in Their Lives?
A common belief is that single people have less happiness in their lives, but is this really true? A recent study showed that this is not always the case, and that individuals who have relationship conflict fears may have just as much if not more …
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