Can You Afford Substance Abuse Treatment? Will Your Health Insurance Pay For It?


luxury rehab programs, substance abuse treatment, substance abuse treatment programsIf you are abusing drugs or alcohol you need substance abuse treatment, but can you afford this type of program? There are programs that range from very inexpensive but crowded government run facilities up to top of the line luxury rehab programs that can cost many thousands of dollars per week. Your budget is an important factor in the substance abuse treatment program that you choose, and you need to find plans and programs that work but that you can also afford without going broke. Upscale or luxury treatment programs can be costly, but some of these facilities will provide you with many tools for your recovery and for relapse prevention. Individual counseling sessions, art and music therapy, nutrition counseling, anger management classes, and many other options can be found at some substance abuse treatment programs.

The next question that you may have is will your health insurance pay for a substance abuse treatment facility? Most insurances will not cover luxury rehab programs, and the substance abuse treatment facilities that your insurance may cover may not offer you the best choice. If you are not sure what your health insurance policy will cover then you should contact the insurance company and find out. Each health insurance policy and plan is different, and only your insurer can determine what your substance abuse treatment benefits are. Make sure that any substance abuse treatment facility offers proven methods and techniques for recover, and that there is a low relapse rate for those who finish the program.


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