Dual Diagnosis: When Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Collide

Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis occurs whenever there is more than one condition or disorder that requires treatment, such as a case where mental illness and substance abuse are both occurring. If one condition is treated and not the other than it is not possible to achieve a full recovery, and eventually you will end up right back where you started. When both substance abuse and mental illness are involved in a dual diagnosis it is important that each condition is clearly identified and then effectively treated. The physician or other medical professional must determine whether you developed the drug or alcohol abuse first or if this activity was a result of the symptoms of the mental disorder and an attempt to self medicate to make these symptoms go away.

If you have received a dual diagnoses then you need to receive treatment for mental illness and substance abuse at the same time. This is the only way that both conditions can be treated and managed effectively and you can truly start to recover. There are many programs which can provide all of the treatment that you need but you should look for facilities and programs that specialize in dual diagnosis cases. There is hope for the future, it is possible to live a normal life even if you have been diagnosed with mental illness, substance abuse, or both. Things will not improve and you can not recover until you get the help that you need. A luxury or Christian program may give the best results because a wider range of treatment options and methods are available.

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