The rate of substance abuse among lawyers is high, and it is approximately 1.5 to 2 times more common than substance abuse among the general population. 10% of individuals in the population will have substance abuse issues, but between 15% and 20% of lawyers abuse drugs or alcohol. Why do attorneys have higher than normal substance abuse rates though? There are a number of reasons. These may include:
- Attorneys have a higher level of daily stress, and this can cause substance abuse among lawyers.
- Lawyers abuse drugs or alcohol more often because they can get away with it. Unlike most people lawyers often have their own practice and they are their own boss. There is no mandatory drug screening so there is no risk of an employer finding out.
- Alcohol is a legal drug. Many attorneys have business lunches or dinners where alcohol plays a role. This can cause a lawyer to start to rely on alcohol more often.
The rate of substance abuse among lawyers is high, but there are special treatment programs which can help attorneys reach a full recovery without putting their practice or their license to practice law at risk. Luxury rehabs for legal professionals may provide the confidentiality that you are looking for along with the effective treatment methods that you need to get your life back in order. Lawyers abuse drugs or alcohol for various reasons, each situation is different and unique. If you are an attorney with substance abuse issues then it is important to seek help as soon as possible.
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