Genesis Program

genesis processAssessment: Process 1

With your counselor’s guidance, you will assess your mental, physical, spiritual, relational and emotional stability by identifying the quality of your support system.

False Values: Process 2

You will start to challenge and uncover the false values that have upheld your past destructive behavior.

Identity: Process 3 

You will start to separate from and identify the unhealthy things you have placed your belief in and have used as coping mechanisms. This revelation will help you see how these behaviors have undermined your attempts at being successful. You will uncover the identity issues that clinging to false idols and gods (such as drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food, work and beauty) created within you.

Life Management Abilities: Process 4

This method will help you gain more understanding of the addiction brain type and allow you to gain life skills to manage the feelings that lead to relapse. Poor cognitive-behavior and problem fixing abilities are common among addicts. This method shows you coping abilities using five steps toward life management.

Life History: Process 5

You will get a much deeper knowledge of distressing occasions and actions which have had an affect on you. You will begin to understand where your unhealthy behavior came from. You will identify the life patterns that unconsciously or consciously sabotaged your success in  recovery efforts, primary goals, family wellness, relationships and schooling. Frequently, addictive or compulsive behaviors are really a way of promoting isolation because of damaged trust and traumatic past events.

Support Teams: Process 6

With your counselor’s help, you will use everything you have discovered about your recovery and yourself up until this point to determine if you are presently in danger of relapse. Your goal is to create a support team that is healthy and vibrant. Isolation is the most common initiator of relapse. Destructive addictions thrive in shame and secrecy. Understanding your needs and asking for them to be met is the practice of healthy people.

Dead Ends: Process 7

Become familiar with the way your subconscious ideas, feelings and actions have caused you setbacks. New understanding results in new options and actions. You will retell 4 different tales about unsuccessful attempts at relationships, recovery, school or work to discover subconscious actions that brought you to the point of relapse and negative effects.

Deja Vu: Process 8

You will then reduce the triggers that lead to relapse into a basic format that will be the foundation for the recovery plan and relapse prevention. This method reveals the basic relapse pattern known as the Deja Vu Faster Relapse Scale. Become familiar with the “double binds” that prevent you from making good decisions. Next, you will replace the old actions with healthy methods, accompanied by Scripture verses, that will help you discover the truth.

Accountability: Process 9

In order to keep growing, you will implement a long-term relapse prevention plan. You will create a team for accountability and support for the recovery plan. There are 7 areas (integrity, morals, responses, romantic associations, recovery, spiritual growth and positive outlook) are built-into your plan. You will receive help from mentors to choose healthy actions for every area.

Exodus: Process 10

You will overcome past mistakes and issues through forgiveness and prayer, strengthening you to enter a brand new existence of recovery. This method handles acceptance of the new existence and gets rid of the shame and guilt connected with your old behaviors. Your support team, your counselor and your will join together in prayer for forgiveness, repentance, freedom and inner healing over the destructive patterns and general dysfunction of the past.

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