Teen Alcohol Abuse Facts Every Parent Should Know

Teen Alcohol Abuse FactsSome teen alcohol abuse facts may be surprising to parents of adolescents. Did you know that many teens access alcohol right in their own home? It is common for parents who drink to keep alcohol on hand, and some do this in case guests want a drink even if the parents do not consume alcohol. Substance abuse treatment may be needed if the adolescent has developed a problem with teen alcohol abuse or addiction. Always keep all alcohol products and prescription medications locked up where teens can not access them easily. This is one of the most effective preventative measures that parents can take to prevent teen alcohol abuse or addiction. Make sure that other parents also do this so that your teen is not tempted with alcohol that is easy to access and consume.

There are some parents who view teen alcohol abuse as a rite of passage, or they take an attitude that all teenagers do it so it is not considered a big deal. This attitude can be harmful though, because it prevents the parent from keeping open communication and it encourages teen alcohol abuse and substance abuse instead of making the dangers clear to adolescents. The brains of teenagers are still growing and developing, and even a small amount of alcohol can destroy needed brain cells. Teens often do not know when to stop when it comes to drinking and this can also put them in risky or unsafe situations that they may not be prepared to handle.

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